
UC Students

UC Students is an exciting and challenging place where students (Grades 6-12) have the chance to encounter God and develop meaningful relationships.

We desire to see students gain ownership of their faith and for them to truly experience how much fun it is to live the life God intended them to live.

We believe that relationships are a key part of student ministry—both our relationship with God and our relationships with each other. Belonging is often an important step to take in the process of believing in and becoming like Jesus.  Small groups are a huge part of both the middle school and high school student’s week.


UC students meet on the first and third Sunday of the month after church starting with a lunch and followed by a faith activity.   For questions about our meetings please connect with our UC Student Small Group leaders.
Naquash & Sundas
Cristiano & Ana Paula

My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your Word.