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Our Pastor

Pastor Craig Weyandt is originally from the United States growing up in a variety of small towns and big cities, mostly in the North East. However, he came to know Jesus in a Chicago Suburb and graduated from Taylor University with a BA in Psychology and a Minor in Communications. He did his theological studies at Gordon- Conwell Theological Seminary and graduated in 1990. Pastor Craig is ordained by the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) and has served with EFCA Reach Global in Rio de Janeiro for the past 19 years. His passion for the local church, making disciples and pastoral ministry began when he was an adolescent as a result of coming to know Jesus in a personal way and “bowing the knee” to Him as his Lord and Savior. God used the legacy of his parent’s faith, deep friendships in the local Church and Gifted Pastors teaching the Word of God, as catalysts to respond to Jesus’ gracious call to follow him and fish for people. More recently Pastor Craig’s spiritual and cultural journey has been greatly enhanced by walking alongside of brave disciples, church-planters, and missionaries working in the poor and dangerous neighborhoods of Rio. Working in Partnership towards Gospel Endeavors that leads to transformed lives among the humble and meek has been his greatest privilege as a cross-cultural missionary. Craig is married to Alessandra and father of Alyssia. Sports, Fishing and Outdoor activities for many years had been his hobbies, but today what he enjoys most on his time off is date-night in Zona Sul with Alessandra and drawing pictures of Mermaids and Princesses (and sometimes Tigers) with his 5-year-old daughter, Alyssia. The following is an invitation to come visit UC by Pastor Craig.

Our Associate Pastor

Pastor Rodrigo is originally from São Paulo, Brazil. He came to know Christ in the year of 2000 during a christian retreat in a city close to the capital of São Paulo and years later, after studying Business, he was graduated as Bachelor in Theology in the Presbyterian Seminary “Reverendo José Manuel da Conceição” in São Paulo in 2008. Pastor Rodrigo is serving as Worship Leader in the Union Church Rio for 7 years and was ordained by the Union Church of Rio de Janeiro in 2020. He is also missionary of “Capacitados para Repartir” for more than 14 years, a CRU international partner, a ministry that works with teenagers in the schools of Brazil and their families. Since his conversion, he was always serving the local church in the area of music and discipleship, teaching all different ages and groups of people, two areas that he has a heart to see growing and exalting the Lord: people worshipping Jesus through music and discipleship, teaching the ways of the Lord for their growth in faith. He came from a home with no believers and was the first in his family to receive the Lord, since when he was dedicating his life to serve the Lord and various and different areas in the Christian community. Rodrigo is married to Rosana and father of Joaquim. Music, aquarium, botanic and Outdoor activities are few of his hobbies, but on top of all, spending time with his wife and son as a family, is the most appreciated dedication of time.

“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”

Our Elders

Our Church Elders are groomed to become role models in the community in terms of faith and core values. They lead a life of prayer not merely for themselves but for the entire Church, most especially including those in despair and desperation. Considered as the “shepherds” of the flock, the elders support the community by leading certain services and ministries.

Our Worship Team

The Worship Team leads the community through music. Each member of the team has a personal relationship with Christ that he/she choose to convey through his/her musical talent. The music ministry encourages church participation by leading through songs, creating an environment that worships Christ and communicates their faith openly.

Volunteers Team

The Union Church is blessed to have an energetic team of volunteers who devote their precious time in helping the church in any way they can. They work together with the elders, youth leaders, and pastors to create a community of faithful Christians, kids, youth, and adults alike.

My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your Word.

If you want to bless Union Church with an offering

  • In Brasil:
    Bank Account
    Itaú Ag: 1185 C/c: 14858-0
    The Union Church of Rio de Janeiro
    CNPJ: 34.053.397/0001-00 (PIX)
  • Overseas:
    Send a message to admin@unionchurchrio.org and we will answer with the information.

May our good Lord bless you abundantly!!!!